Old Farm Physical Therapy


The foundation of an effective physical therapy program is the evaluation. An evaluation consists of a thorough review of the patient's history, a movement and postural analysis, and a physical exam. Range of motion, strength, pain, functional capacity and work status will all be evaluated. From here, the therapist determines the most likely cause of dysfunction and spends time to educate the client. Pain and dysfunction can come from a structural problem, an abnormal movement pattern, or posture. The person needs to be treated as a whole, because one issue can often have multiple and widespread effects. Collaboratively, the therapist and client will develop a list of goals and an individualized treatment program is established.

Services Offered

Nicole is pleased to offer her clients full one hour sessions of one-on-one treatment. Programs are custom-designed and seek to provide the most efficient restorative plan possible. The following is a general description of some of the services that are offered:

In addition to physical therapy sessions, Nicole also offers Wellness sessions that include manual therapeutic techniques to help decrease stress and improve an individual's overall well-being. Physical therapy tutoring sessions for kids who are non-compliant and could benefit from assistance to complete their home exercise programs are also offered.
